4 Reasons Why Kids Need Physiotherapy

Pediatric physiotherapy is a field of clinical practice focused on the provision of habilitation and rehabilitation services to children from birth and during childhood and adolescence. While physical therapy for children is not that well-known, it’s more common than you think. There are many instances wherein children may experience difficulties with motor skills and physical development due to illness, disability, or injury. Thus, they need physiotherapy to restore function and improve their way of life.

Common concerns that require going to a child or infant physiotherapy Dubai clinic may include poor balance and coordination, frequent falls, poor posture, and muscular pain. Babies experiencing difficulties turning their heads, rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking can also benefit from physiotherapy. A pediatric physiotherapist uses methods such as strengthening, exercise, stretching, movement training, intensive therapy programs, motor learning and play, and education to treat children effectively.

Let’s find out more reasons why parents should consider pediatric physiotherapy for their children in the years ahead:

  1. To prevent physical complications

It’s true that children heal faster than adults, but that’s not always the case. This old way of thinking can lead to physical complications. For instance, ankle sprains continue to go untreated among children since parents assume that putting cold packs or wrapping the ankle in tensor bandages are enough. There is also a perception of healing once the pain has subsided. As a result, the child returns to an activity or sport before adequate healing has occurred. This only increases the risk of re-injury or a major injury. Ankle sprains could also result in bone avulsion or unstable joints because the muscles are not fully developed, and eventually cause persistent joint pain in the future.

Two smiling girls stretching their back on exercise balls, instructed by a physiotherapist

  1. To treat more serious physical conditions.

Pediatric physiotherapy not only manages motor skill development and common childhood injuries. The practice also creates a positive impact on the lives of kids experiencing more serious conditions that limit their physical capabilities. It can be applied to infants and children suffering from down syndrome, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, developmental coordination disorder, hypotonia, and other genetic conditions. Some studies show it can also help those with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism. Going to a Dubai physiotherapy clinic might just help your child realize a potential you both never deemed possible.

  1. To help improve school performance.

Do you notice your child constantly fidgeting and shifting around while eating, watching television, or doing their homework? Parents usually dismiss this behavior as typical childhood restlessness, but there may be a more serious underlying cause. A child may be feeling significant discomfort caused by poor seating comfort or physical inactivity when sitting in class all day. Since there is no ‘pain’ to report, it goes untreated. This can lead to poor sleep quality, a decrease in cognitive performance, inability to focus, and difficulty in finishing tasks on time. Physical therapy can help return a child’s state of physical comfort therefore, improve their performance in school.

  1. To provide them with greater awareness.

By exposing children to physiotherapy at an early age, they will become more aware of their physical selves. Physiotherapists can help them better understand their muscles, bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and how they all work together. They will realize the difference between growing pains and sustained injuries that they should report to their parents. They will learn the proper form to make when participating in their favorite sports or physical activity so as to prevent injuries and improve their performance.

If you have further questions about how your child can benefit from pediatric physiotherapy JLT, consult with the team at Scandinavian Physiotherapy Center. They are devoted to the assessment and treatment of children’s’ pain and conditions. Book an appointment today by calling +971 4 551 6126 or visiting their website!


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Originally Published from https://ift.tt/32r84Qv
