Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation

More and more UAE residents are turning to sports massage in Dubai especially when they meet an injury inside or outside a game. Because sports injury can potentially affect athletic performance and possibly end a career, it is not surprising that a lot of people are taking recovery phase seriously.

Causes of sports injury
Sports injuries could be caused by different factors. These include improper training methods, failure to do warm-up and cool-down exercises, poor body mechanics, external force, fatigue, overuse of muscles, dehydration, and other mechanical and anatomical problems. Sometimes, a combination of these causes may eventually lead to injuries. The cause of injury most often directs the type of intervention made and the course of treatment and prevention.

Common sports injuries
Depending on the type of sports, an athlete can be more prone to one injury compared to another.
Some of the most common sports injuries include knee injuries, strains, sprains, muscle sores, shin splints, dislocations, fractures, and bruises.

How sports therapists can help
There are different ways Dubai physiotherapy can help. While some sports injuries would heal by themselves, physical rehabilitation can be hastened and most importantly, be properly done with the assistance of a sports therapist. Here are some of the ways sports therapists could help:

  • Health education – therapists teach you how to avoid injuries, improve posture, and perform proper mechanics. All these could not only help prevent future problems but also improve overall athletic performance.
  • Speed up proper recovery – physical therapy allows you to regain strength and restore adequate range of motion. 
  • Pain management - therapists are trained to manage pain through massage, immobilisation of injured area, and prevent further damage to the injury.
  • Improved athletic performance - since sports therapists have a solid background in the anatomy and physiology of the body, they play a role in training athletes. Thus, it is not difficult to see why a lot of sports teams have their own line of therapists. With the use of an expert clinical eye, a therapist identifies areas of improvement in how you play your game. 

Sports injury rehabilitation
There are different therapeutic techniques that sports therapists can do to help in rehabilitating injuries. These include manual therapy, dry needling, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, manual lymphatic drainage, and osteopathy, to name a few. Depending on the type and extent of the injury, therapists can employ one or more of these techniques.

A quick visit to a sports therapy clinic would give you an idea of how they can help when it comes to recovering from injuries. They first assess your condition, perform various physical examinations, order lab tests and perform diagnostic procedures as needed. Once your initial assessment is done, proper treatment would be discussed. From there, treatment would be initiated.

Ready to meet a physical therapist?
Now that you have read the vital role that sports physiotherapy Dubai plays in rehabilitation, it is time for you to meet a physical therapist. Thankfully, Scandinavian Physiotherapy Center DMCC is here to serve you. They have some of the best physical therapists who have the right knowledge, expertise, and experience to provide excellent services. Call them today!
