What is Sciatica and How to Treat It

You might be surprised but people who are seeking back pain treatment could also be suffering from Sciatica. As a common musculoskeletal problem in the UAE, it has caused a lot of trouble for people and many can’t even perform their activities of daily living. Thus, it is not difficult to see why they are seeking immediate relief. In this post, let us take a look at what sciatica is and how to treat it.

What is sciatica?
While sciatica may sound like a nerdy word taken out straight from a sci-fi movie, it is actually a term referring to the irritation of the largest nerve in the body – the sciatic nerve. This nerve begins at the distal end of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. From there, it runs down to the lower back and extends up to the lower limb.

As you can imagine, irritation of the sciatic nerve is not just painful, but also discomforting. It affects not just your back, but it can radiate up to your neck down to the calf muscles. Thus, it is not surprising to see sciatica patients would also seek neck pain treatment.

Experts have identified different causes of sciatica. The most common cause is disc herniation, a condition where the padding between spinal bones ruptures. Because of the misalignment of the spinal discs, the sciatic nerve is squeezed or pressed against another point or anatomical structure. Other causes of sciatica include irritation due to tumors, muscle inflammation, bone structural abnormalities, internal bleeding, infection, spinal injury, and others.

How to treat sciatica?
The first thing to do is to make an accurate diagnosis. Before anything else, it should be established that the patient is suffering from sciatica.

Upon meeting a specialist or physical therapist, a physical examination and interview are done. Sometimes, other diagnostic tests are used such as X-rays, MRI scan, CT scan, and electromyogram. Once sciatica is determined, the course of action to take would depend on the cause of the problem, symptoms, and extent of the injury.

Treatment can widely vary. While traditionally bed rest is often advised to patients, today, there are other modalities. For example, transcutaneous nerve stimulators (TENS units) are used for the treatment of sciatica. TENS machines deliver therapeutic electric impulse in the affected area in the aim of stimulating muscles and tissues. Other treatment methods include low back stretching, exercise, and conditioning.

For more debilitating and serious sciatica, some doctors would recommend medication and even surgery. However, before you undergo invasive procedures such as surgery, it is highly recommended that you first try a natural mode of healing such as manual therapy Dubai or physiotherapy services.

Best way to eliminate sciatica
There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for sciatica. However, clinical studies and scientific research have seen the effectiveness of physiotherapy.

If you are suffering from sciatica, you would be pleasantly amazed to see how Scandinavian Physiotherapy Center can help you. Aside from sciatica treatment, they also provide musculoskeletal physiotherapy, pediatric physiotherapy, manual lymphatic drainage, and others. Give them a call today!

Originally Published from https://ift.tt/2TGEeoU
