Physio Treatment for Localized Back Pain and Light Scoliosis

Doctors now recognize that scoliosis can increase the chance of back pain. The condition causes the spine to curve sideways, which leads to poor posture, weakness, and impaired mobility. The abnormal curvature of the spine can strain and overwork muscles, causing them to become worn or inflamed. The affected spinal discs can pinch nerves and cause sharp, radiating pains or numbness in the lower back. To determine whether your localized back pain is associated with scoliosis, you can visit a Dubai physiotherapy clinic for assessment.

During your appointment, you will undergo a simple screening test for scoliosis called “Adam’s forward bend” test. Your physiotherapist will instruct you to stand upright with feet together, and knees straight, bringing both palms together while the arms are hanging freely. The examiner will stand behind the patient to assess the horizontal plane of the spine. Early scoliosis treatment is the key to relieve pain and getting back to your daily activities. There are various complementary therapies and pain treatments available.

Manual Therapy

This specialized form of physiotherapy for back pain is delivered using the hands. Practitioners put pressure on the muscle tissues of the back and manipulate joints to alleviate spasm, tension, joint dysfunction, and eventually, pain. Manual therapy is helpful in treating joints that lack mobility and range of motion, which is evident in scoliosis. This limitation may result in pain, discomfort, and poor posture. By relaxing tense muscles and restoring mobility to stiff joints, patients will feel relief from back pain. It employs soft tissue work including massage, mobilization techniques, and manipulation to loosen tight tissues around joints.

McKenzie Method

The McKenzie method is a lower back pain treatment Dubai physiotherapists recommend to help with conditions of the spine and extremities. It is an overall program of assessment, treatment, exercises, and prevention strategies that are best learned with an experienced physiotherapist. You’ll be prescribed with specific exercises and given guidance for appropriate postures to adopt outside the clinic. If done correctly, it can help restore motion and decrease radiating or referred pain. Common activities include pelvic tilts, arm and leg raises, latissimus dorsi stretch, sitting flexion, and practicing good posture.

Strengthening Exercises

It is believed that poor core activation is a contributing factor to low back pain. Thus, your physiotherapist will turn to optimizing the strength and flexibility of your muscles on either side of scoliosis. You will undergo strengthening exercises that focus on core stability and endurance, to provide a “belt of muscle” around the spine. Low back exercises that aim to hyperextend the spine can be performed on machines or by simply lying on the stomach and slowly raising the chest off the floor. Some programs include aquatic therapy or the use of water to minimize the effect of gravity.

With the support of physiotherapy in treating back pain due to mild scoliosis, you can expect to return to your daily, sporting, and recreational activities. Those with severe curvatures may require the guidance of an orthopedic specialist. Seek the advice of a trusted physical therapy JLT clinic to determine your best scoliosis treatment. You can rely on the experts at Scandinavian Physiotherapy Center! Book an appointment today by calling +971 4 551 6126.

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