Easy to Follow Physio-Approved Exercises

As a general goal, every person should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five days a week.  Engaging in regular physical activity will help you think, feel, and sleep better, and perform daily tasks more easily. You can do aerobic activities such as brisk walking, running, biking, dancing, or even gardening and yard work. But it’s more than just about getting our heart rate up. Dubai physiotherapist clinics suggest that it’s also important to work on improving posture and breathing, increasing flexibility, and strengthening our muscles to prevent injuries and chronic pain.

Incorporating at-home physiotherapy exercises into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Consulting with a physiotherapist is the first step to understand the functional exercises that will fit your lifestyle. Of course, everybody is different, especially for those with existing injuries or health conditions. Make sure to ask your doctor before attempting the following physiotherapy exercises that are easy to follow.


A low-impact exercise that requires no equipment and minimal space, bridge is good for hip mobility and strengthening the lower back. A basic bridge is done by laying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, hip-width apart. Then, you raise your pelvis off the floor. It targets your glutes, which helps with running or jumping activities. Bridge is also known to help with hip, knee, and lower back pain treatment. There are a number of bridge exercise variations like adding weights or bands.



A step-up is a body resistance exercise that targets the leg muscles and glutes, offering good cardio and strength workout. It is suitable for all fitness and strength levels since it has a low risk of injury. To perform a step-up, you simply step from the floor onto a bench, sturdy stool, or plyo box, making sure that your foot is planted entirely on the step. It’s fine to start with a low step height. Step-ups also help improve your balance and stabilization.

Single leg sit to stand

According to experts, in any outdoor sport, and even when walking, you hardly ever stand with two feet firmly planted. We spend more time on just one leg. This is why athletes, even those who went through sport injury rehabilitation, are turning to single-leg sit to stand exercises to generate power one leg at a time. Lowering on one leg can help build lower body strength as it requires serious stability and control. Start seated on a chair and lift one foot slightly off the ground. Drive the other foot into the ground and rise to stand. Slowly reverse the movement and return to a seated position.


Calf Raise

Your calf muscles absorb most of the energy when you’re landing from a jump. They also protect the bones in our feet and Achilles tendon. This means if your calf muscles are not in good condition, the forces may go to your knee joints, hip joint, or lower back. Calf raises not only strengthen your calves but also improve stability and lower body performance, as well as prevent injury. To do a calf raise, simply stand up straight, push through the balls of your feet, and raise your heel until you’re standing on your toes.

With a little planning, you can easily insert these exercises into your daily routine. However, if you’re in pain, undergoing post-surgery rehabilitation, or have certain conditions, you may need to seek the advice of a physiotherapist before engaging in workouts. You can rely on the experts at Scandinavian Physiotherapy Center to help you overcome your ailments or injuries. Contact +971 4 551 6126 for more information.

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